Day of the Fight

Day of the Fight is a 1951 American short subject documentary film directed by Stanley Kubrick. Notable for being Kubricks first directorial effort, Kubrick financed the film himself.

Day of the Fight shows IrishAmerican middleweight boxer Walter Cartier during the height of his career, on the day of a fight with black middleweight Bobby James, which took place on April 17, 1950.The film opens with a short section on boxings history, and then follows Cartier through his day, as he prepares for theP.M. bout that night. He eats breakfast in his West 12th Street apartment in Greenwich Village, then goes to early mass and eats lunch at his favorite restaurant. AtP.M., he starts preparations for the fight. ByP.M., he is waiting in his dressing room at Laurel Gardens in Newark, New Jersey for the fight to begin. ........

Source: Wikipedia